Sculptra in Bellevue

If you want to appear more youthful-looking without appearing like you’ve had work done, then chances are Sculptra may a good choice for you!

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen—the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cells and tissue—for results that can last up to two years.

Sculptra works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore your skin’s inner structure and volume.

As the Sculptra PLLA micro particles are absorbed, they help stimulate collagen production.

Rebuilt collagen strands begin gradually helping to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds.3

Sculptra may stimulate collagen growth which helps to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds over time.

How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body and helps to rebuild lost collagen through a series of treatments.

Over time, Sculptra helps the body reproduce lost collagen. The number of injection appointments and the number of injections per appointment vary from person to person, depending on how much collagen has been lost. On average, three injection appointments are needed over a period of a few months.

Dr. Kristin Tarbet prefers Sculptra for many of her patients.

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Speak with a Team Member

The Amara Medical Aesthetics in Bellevue, WA specializes in ophthalmic facial plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and can answer any questions or alleviate any concerns you may have about these procedures. Before making that choice, we invite you to contact our office by completing an online form or calling us at (425) 455-2131 to speak with someone at the center or complete an online form and someone from our office will get back to you. We look forward to hearing from you!


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